This is the


to the book

Ocean Floor Mysteries
The Amazing Mystery

of the Great
on the

Lloyd Stewart Carpenter



To accurately describe the physical appearance of God is an impossible task. The Bible teaches that God is an omnipresent spirit (Gen. 1:2). To describe our creator as intrinsically anthropomorphic (human-like), limits everything about him. It is true that God made us in his own image (Gen. 1:26) but that is the image of love and spirit, not limited to the frailties of flesh and bone.

John 4:24
"God is a Spirit:
and they that worship him must 
worship him in spirit and in truth."

Still, God is seen as having physical human characteristics at various times in scripture. Very early, we see "the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day" (Gen. 3:8). This event follows the initial sin of Adam and Eve. Generations later, God wrestles with Jacob (as a man) as part of a test leading to Jacob's new name, Israel (Gen. 32:24). During the Revelation of St. John, the prophet sees (in a vision) God sitting on a throne in Heaven. John's description of God has many elements that make the Lord seem very similar to a human form. The apostle writes that God has hands, feet, hair, eyes, mouth and a "voice like many waters." He further records that God's clothing includes, "a robe down to his feet, and a golden sash around his chest" (Rev. 1:13-16) (NIV) .

But to Moses, God appears as "fire out of the midst of a burning bush" (Ex. 3:2), and John the Baptist, sees the spirit of God, "descending from heaven like a dove..." (Jn. 1:32). How God may choose to represent himself is always part of how he communicates with humanity. We cannot limit God's likeness to any single event, manifestation or image. This research uses a natural image on the Pacific Ocean Floor as a metaphor to show the love and mercy of God. But God is not a map, or a man, or anything that humanity can clearly define. According to the Bible, God is an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, immutable Spirit.


A minimum of six huge images cover the whole earth. Each are fabulous in detail, recognizable and clear. Are these images a message to humanity from God? This is something each reader must decide on their own. I have been working on various drafts and versions of this book about the face on the Pacific Ocean Floor, and other images on the earth, since my years as an undergraduate in the early 1980's. After having gathered so much evidence and associated data relating to this research, I sometimes forget that what impresses people most, is the first and most startling discovery of all.


I intend to keep refocusing on that fact throughout this volume. To do that, it is necessary to also discuss the implications of what this face might mean. The reason for this is simple. All other topographic images discovered through this map-study relate in proximity and theme to the face on the Pacific Ocean Floor. The evidence is not only geographical but also biblical. Only four sets of images make up all of the ocean floors topography on earth. The largest is the tear-stained face of a weeping man on the Pacific Ocean Floor. This face covers almost one-half of the Earth.


According to modern topographic maps, this weeping face is located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and encompasses all of it, including its borders. The detail of this huge face and the other images in this book are revealed through ocean floor maps, detailing the underwater mountain ranges. The scientific accuracy of modern topographic maps and satellite imagery make this unique study possible. The resulting evidence is startling. Our planet is an observable series of gargantuan pictures, etched in stone, on its topography.


In 1983 a half-page article appeared in the Pasadena Star News. The banner headline read: "LLOYD CARPENTER SEES THE FACE OF GOD."1 Along with the article was a copy of a topographic map of the Pacific Ocean Floor. The headline was not my idea but it encouraged me to think about the possibility. My speeches and lectures began to include details about how my discovery might be linked to the God of the Bible.


Even though I consider possible biblical links, I do so cautiously. I am also a Baptist minister. Over the last dozen years, I've preached many sermons. But, no matter how excited I was about my maps research, I have never preached a sermon about it. Also, I have never brought the subject up, even in passing, during a sermon.

During this period, I also taught college students, graduate students and adults at my church. I did this every Sunday morning for several years. During this period, I never taught about my map discoveries and research or how they might relate to the Bible. My lectures and speeches have been more scholastic than theological. Presentations have been limited mostly to college campuses. I have always felt that the church is no place to promote a work in progress, especially on Sunday morning.

But there comes a time that every valid study should be published. For my study, now is that time. I admit that all my work is not finished but I also realize that it never will be. I publish as a student and not as an expert, but nevertheless, I publish.

If while reading this book you disagree with any point, write me via the publisher. If any reader wants to correct a scriptural interpretation or scientific item, please do the same. Since no one person can be a total expert in all the areas relating to this study, I welcome input and feedback. I hope that this and my continued research will cause each edition of this book to be an upgrade.

Does the face on the Pacific Ocean Floor metaphorically represent the face of God? The evidence seems to support this view. During my first four years of college, I was a member of the college and university speech team. I was able to successfully compete at the state and national levels.

During this time, my professors and coaches permitted me to include into competition, speeches about my map study. Because of this, I have had these maps and many different speeches about them judged by the best people our colleges and universities have to offer. My work has been scrutinized by professors and scholars, judges and students, all totally serious about the competitions involved. While still in college, I produced and directed a 52 minute video tape documentary about these Ocean Floor images. The documentary called, "Scientific Proof of The Deliberate Supernatural," became part of a national awards competition and took more than two years to produce.2

My study was also written about in a front-page story of the Los Angeles Times. That story was picked up by the wire services and circulated throughout the world.3 I was also the subject of an interview and story by NBC television (Channel 4) News in Los Angeles.4 Interest in that story resulted in widespread inquiries. But even with this notoriety, I have limited my lectures and interviews. This is because I still wasn't confident concerning the answer to my main research question: "What is the face on the Pacific Ocean Floor looking at and what causes this face to weep?"


Ancient philosophers declared that all things resemble in constitution, if not in form, the human body. The Greeks taught that Delphi was the navel of the earth. The physical planet was seen as a gigantic human being, twisted into the form of a ball. When Atlas was turned into stone, his beard became a forest, his bones hardened into rock and each part grew until he stood like a mountain supporting the heavens.5 An Indian in southern Mexico once told me that his people have always referred to the earth's rocks as God's bones.


The images we shall be presenting are too vivid to be dismissed as coincidence. A message there, calls for our attention. Simply by looking at these images, we can reflect upon what this message may be. Still, the entire scenario is complicated and we shall have to look at it piece by piece.

Most dominant is the colossal face of a weeping man on the Pacific Ocean Floor. In his mercy and misery, he is looking at something. What is it that causes him to weep? What is he looking at? Attacking the image on the Pacific Ocean Floor appears to be a Devil on the South Atlantic Ocean Floor. At the Devil's throat is Antarctica. Helping the Devil on the South Atlantic Ocean Floor is a Dragon. We see this Dragon when combining the topographic maps of the North Atlantic Ocean Floor and the North Polar Sea Floor. On the topographic map of the Indian Ocean Floor, we see an angel (Cherubim) with a flaming sword. This angel is pulling the demon on the South Atlantic Ocean Floor, off the weeping man on the Pacific Ocean Floor

Comprehensive coverage of this topic is impossible at this time. This discovery is still so new that there are no real experts who have knowledge of it. I am a researcher, not an expert, but like any responsible researcher, I have relied heavily on my bibliography and other people who are experts in their respective fields. This book will focus on the face on the Pacific Ocean Floor. The other ocean floor images are presented here as they relate to the face on the Pacific Ocean Floor.

Footnotes and bibliography are part of this book for the convenience of the reader and in fairness to those where specific information is retrieved. This book can only document a small fraction of what there is to be learned about the face on the Pacific Ocean Floor. It will take physical geographers, computer experts, mathematicians, and theological scholars (working in joint effort and independently) to adequately explore this phenomena. Perhaps by studying these images and seeing how they relate to each other, we can learn more about the God of the Bible, and the age old struggle of "good versus evil."

When we consider all of the images on the floors of our oceans, nothing comes close in size, structure, detail and importance to the face on the Pacific Ocean Floor. It shows the right side of a man's head. The features show his vivid emotions and mercy. We see by his tear-track that he is weeping. What is the focus of his attention? The face on the Pacific Ocean Floor covers almost one-half of the Earth. Whatever this face is looking at, must be the most important thing in the world!

Lloyd Stewart Carpenter


This Introduction was taken from the book

Ocean Floor Mysteries
The Amazing Mystery

of the Great
on the

Lloyd Stewart Carpenter

See the TITLES OF THE FIRST 14 CHAPTERS of the book.

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