Wyeth’s Human Trials of Experimental Treatment is Welcome Releif to 76
Million Baby Boomers Entering Ranks of Seniors.
giant, Wyeth, has succeeded in giving and taking away Alzheimer’s in
laboratory rats and now is advancing their human trials.
The good news is that there is no charge for the cutting-edge
experimental therpy for those in the test program.
bad news is that, one approved, the treatments are expected to run
around $20,000 a year per person—quite a price tag for Seniors on fixed
Discussing this topic is Early Onset Alzheimer’s expert
lecturer Patrick Moffett, whose book, Ice Cream in the Cupboard, is the
heartbreaking story of his wife, Carmen Moffett, who was diagnosed with
early onset Alzheimer’s disease at age 53.
Your audience will likely be amazed at the growing numbers of early
onset Alzheimer’s in America today.
The following is the New York Times article detailing Wyeth’s progress
tacking Alzheimer’s.
THE NEW YORK TIMES/ June 10, 2007
By Stephanie Saul
the book “Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH,” a group of lab rats
acquire human intelligence through a genetic experiment. Every child
recognizes the charming tale as pure fantasy, yet something similar is
occurring at a major pharmaceuticals company, Wyeth, where rodents
tested in its labs have, indeed, taken on some features of the human
Unlike the fictional rats that learned to read, write
and operate machinery, Wyeth’s animals are slow-witted, confused and
forgetful because they suffer from the crippling dementia of
Alzheimer’s disease, which they acquired from a transplanted human gene.
else extraordinary is going on at Wyeth. The company’s scientists not
only can give rodents Alzheimer’s — they have also figured out how to
take it away. Curing mice is a lot simpler than curing people, but the
results are a tantalizing development that offers hope to humans
suffering from the disease. The work also advances what Wyeth
executives describe as their war on Alzheimer’s.
Wyeth’s team
faces a formidable foe. In an industry often criticized as making
pricey “me too” drugs that involve minor tweaks to competitors’
products, as well as promoting medicines of marginal value, Wyeth has
decided to go full bore against Alzheimer’s, a disease that has defied
effective treatment since it was first identified a century ago. The
company has dedicated more than 350 scientists exclusively to
Alzheimer’s research, and they are working on 23 separate projects for
medicines to possibly treat the disease.
About five million
people in the United States are living with Alzheimer’s, according to
the Alzheimer’s Association, an advocacy group funded by individual
donors as well as foundations and major corporations, including drug
makers. Without a cure or new treatments, the number of those with the
disease could grow to 13.2 million by 2050, the National Institute on
Aging estimates.
“I think this is going to be the disease, and
maybe one of the biggest health care political issues of my
generation,” says Robert Essner, 59, Wyeth’s professorial chief
executive. “It’s hard for anyone to envision how to provide health care
in the United States if you’re going to have to deal with the burden.
You just start to add up the cost, 20 years from now as my generation
gets old — it’s phenomenal.”
Mr. Essner will have more than a
host of grateful baby boomers awaiting him if Wyeth’s crusade is
successful. The company could snare a big financial payoff from what
still amounts to a risky bet, one that has already cost Wyeth about
$450 million in research funds. But with a treatment that slows
progress of the disease possibly selling at more than $20,000 a year,
the company’s Alzheimer’s program is one reason that some analysts are
voicing renewed enthusiasm about Wyeth’s stock, which had been weighed
down for years by costly fen-phen diet drug litigation.
Wyeth is
hardly the only company looking for Alzheimer’s treatments. Virtually
every large drug maker and a number of smaller biotechnology companies
are working to develop Alzheimer’s drugs, with several hundred ideas
under study. Several companies are expected to announce results of
clinical studies during an international Alzheimer’s meeting that is
under way in Washington. “There seems to be a current of excitement,”
said Peter Davies, a biochemist at the Albert Einstein College of
Medicine in the Bronx, who has studied Alzheimer’s for 30 years. Dr.
Davies is working with Eli Lilly and Applied NeuroSolutions on a
possible course of treatment that is such a secret that he will not say
anything about it. “I wouldn’t say it’s a race,” Dr. Davies said, “but
this is novel and we want to get a jump on therapeutics.”
four Alzheimer’s treatments now on the market work by regulating the
action of chemical neurotransmitters in the brain. The drugs — Aricept
by Eisai and Pfizer, Exelon by Novartis, Razadyne by Johnson &
Johnson and Namenda by Forest Laboratories — have shown mixed results
treating Alzheimer’s symptoms and do nothing to stop the disease’s
Dr. Todd Golde, professor of neuroscience at the Mayo
Clinic, says that the drugs are not very effective, and that consumers’
large expenditures for them — about $1.4 billion in the United States
alone last year, according to data from Verispan — reflect the
desperation of patients and their families to treat the disease.
scary if you look at the trials that got these drugs approved,” Dr.
Golde said. “The change in mental status was so small, the average
caregiver of a patient would have no way of knowing there was any
difference.” While there is no evidence that any of the drugs stem the
underlying disease, they were approved based on studies showing
temporary improvement or stabilization in some patients with
Alzheimer’s. The changes can be as minor as a better ability to dress
oneself or to take out the trash.
In one study of people taking
Namenda and Aricept combined for six months, 60 percent of patients
either improved or did not deteriorate. “I would say that physicians do
believe these drugs are of benefit to patients with Alzheimer’s,” said
Stephen M. Graham, senior director of clinical development at Forest.
for the other companies with Alzheimer’s drugs echoed that assessment
in regard to their products, pointing to clinical studies demonstrating
that they help patients.
Wyeth is wagering that it can find
more promising treatments for a nebulous, stealthy disease that does
more than rob people of their health and well-being. It also steals
some of their most precious memories.
AT first blush, Robert
Essner seems an unlikely flag bearer for a corporate assault on
Alzheimer’s. The son of a college professor, Mr. Essner studied
humanities as an undergraduate and in graduate school, intending to
teach college history. But after he graduated from the University of
Chicago in 1971 with a master’s degree in history, he soon realized
that jobs in his field were scarce. He says he stumbled into
pharmaceuticals by answering an ad in The Wall Street Journal.
he is on the leading edge of a generation that is facing a huge
emotional and financial burden from a disease that leaves victims
requiring full-time nursing care. He is urging a national mobilization
against what he describes as a looming Alzheimer’s “epidemic.”
Essner often speaks publicly about the disease, stepping outside his
role as corporate chief and into the public policy arena. Last month,
he testified at a Senate hearing, recommending that the National
Institutes of Health double its current annual funding of $643 million
for Alzheimer’s research.
Seated recently at a conference table
at the company’s headquarters on pastoral property near Madison, N.J.,
Mr. Essner said he has taken to the podium because he thinks
Alzheimer’s should garner the same attention that AIDS received during
the 1980s and 1990s, when a coalition of government and industry worked
feverishly to find treatments.
He says he is concerned as much
about the disease’s dehumanizing effects as he is about its costs. “You
see mothers who don’t recognize their daughters,” he says.
Essner also speaks from experience. While he requested that details be
kept private, he confides that a relative has been caught in the
disease’s maw. In fact, Mr. Essner is just one of several senior
managers involved in the Alzheimer’s drug discovery program at Wyeth
whose families have been affected by the disease.
Among the
others is Menelas Pangalos, the company’s vice president for
neuroscience research and a biochemist. He remembers visiting his
grandmother in Greece while she was in the throes of the disease. While
people may expect the elderly to lose their memories, Dr. Pangalos says
that this is a false assumption that has gained traction only because
Alzhiemer’s is so prevalent.
“The problem is that it’s so
common,” he said in an interview at Wyeth’s research laboratory near
Princeton, N.J., where much of its Alzheimer’s work is conducted. “You
assume it’s normal and it’s natural, but it’s not.”
understands history well enough to recognize that big scientific
breakthroughs generally accrue to those willing to take a chance. With
the high failure rates in drug development, it is unlikely that any
single compound now under study will make it to the market. But Mr.
Essner says he believes that with so many drugs under study, at least
one is likely to succeed.
Wyeth announced last month that it
was moving early into advanced human trials of one experimental
treatment, a biological product that many scientists view as the most
promising new product under study for Alzheimer’s. Wyeth made a
presentation about its Alzheimer’s work the centerpiece of the
company’s annual shareholders meeting in April, as well as its annual
report, which included the stories of seven Alzheimer’s sufferers.
those chronicled in the Wyeth accounts was Gilbert Brown, 80, a retired
auto parts salesman for Sears in New Jersey. His son, Michael S. Brown,
noticed changes in his father several years ago.
“We would
talk on the telephone several times a week and he would sometimes say
things that didn’t make sense,” said the younger Mr. Brown, who runs a
state-funded program that assists low-income students at Montclair
State University in Montclair, N.J. At one point, in a subtle but sure
sign that something was amiss, Mr. Brown told his son in 2004 that he
had lost his checkbook and insisted that he was going to Kmart for a
new one.
About three years ago, his father’s gradual decline
prompted the younger Mr. Brown, 59, to move him into his home in
Irvington, N.J. Today, the elder Mr. Brown can no longer carry on a
conversation, dress himself or shave. In fact, he cannot remember the
word for shaving. Yet the elder Mr. Brown can still play church hymns
on the organ, remembering old favorites like “Rock of Ages” and others
that he regularly performs at a senior program. But his son struggles
each morning to help his father shower and dress.
“It really
hurts,” the younger Mr. Brown says. “He is a very intelligent man. He
was the kind of person that his family, my mom’s family, would depend
upon to do anything, conduct any business. Then to go from that to not
being able to do anything.”
Mr. Brown took Aricept, one of the
four Alzheimer’s drugs currently available, until his insurance company
said his disease had progressed too far and he was no longer eligible.
don’t know what the progression of the deterioration is, so it’s hard
to tell if the medicine is helping or not,” Michael Brown says.
paucity of effective Alzheimer’s treatments reflects how difficult it
remains for scientists, doctors and other medical researchers to
understand and combat brain disease. Alzheimer’s research began about a
century ago, when the Bavarian psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer first
diagnosed a 51-year-old patient suffering from dementia, delirium and
The patient, whom Dr. Alzheimer called Auguste
D., entered the Frankfurt asylum in 1901. The doctor’s notes on her
condition reveal that she was unable to answer simple questions. “At
lunch, she eats cauliflower and pork,” the notes say. “Asked what she
is eating, she answers, ‘spinach.’ ” Mrs. D. complained to her doctor:
“I have lost myself.”
Mrs. D. died five years later, and an
autopsy revealed abnormalities in her brain, including the presence of
sticky plaque and tangled fibers in nerves. The condition that Dr.
Alzheimer described in Mrs. D. was later named after him. While the
exact cause of the disease is still unknown, researchers believe that
genetic factors play a role and that heavy plaque deposits like those
Dr. Alzheimer discovered in Mrs. D.’s brain may contribute to tissue
deterioration — leading to memory and recognition loss, linguistic
problems and degraded motor skills. But scientists continue to debate
whether plaque is a symptom or a cause of Alzheimer’s.
With more
and more people living into their 80s and 90s, Alzheimer’s is more
common today than it was 100 years ago. Estimates of its frequency
vary, but it strikes one out of every 5 people between ages 75 and 84
and 42 percent of those over age 85, according to the Alzheimer’s
Association. The organization estimates the current direct and indirect
costs of the disease at nearly $150 billion a year, a figure that
includes medical and nursing home costs as well as lost job
productivity for family members who serve as caregivers. Two drug
companies that have progressed to late-stage tests of Alzheimer’s
treatments are Neurochem and Myriad Genetics. Neurochem says it may
disclose results of its late-stage trial this month. Its drug,
Alzhemed, aims at the plaque.
Myriad Genetics’ product,
Flurizan, is similar to an anti-inflammatory drug, and it may lower the
production of the protein found in plaque. Dr. Golde of the Mayo Clinic
was involved in developing the compound.
The National Institutes
of Health, the primary federal agency that oversees and helps fund
biomedical research, is currently supporting 22 studies involving
John Hardy, a neurogeneticist at the National
Institute on Aging, a branch of the National Institutes of Health, says
some of the ideas under study as Alzheimer’s treatments have little
chance of success. “There’s some pretty wacky things that people try
because we’re desperate,” he says.
Dr. Hardy helped to develop a
leading theory, known as the “amyloid cascade,” about the biological
process that results in Alzheimer’s. The hypothesis holds that
Alzheimer’s brain plaque, which contains a protein called beta amyloid,
causes symptoms of the disease. According to the theory, plaque
develops when something goes awry in the breakdown of a substance
called an amyloid precursor protein, or A.P.P.
Scientists came
to believe that A.P.P. had something to do with Alzheimer’s by
analyzing the genes of Alzheimer’s patients. They also discovered that
people with Down syndrome — a group that commonly develops
Alzheimer’s-like symptoms — are born with extra A.P.P. And mutations in
A.P.P. genes are among the genetic abnormalities found in families with
a hereditary form of early-onset Alzheimer’s.
A.P.P. exists in
many human cells. It is normally broken down in the body without
incident. But scientists believe that in Alzheimer’s patients, enzymes
interfere with the breakdown, causing A.P.P. to glob together and form
the sticky, toxic beta-amyloid plaque that interferes with activities
in the brain.
Among the many companies going after Alzheimer’s,
Wyeth is regarded as a leader. Wyeth’s biggest Alzheimer’s bet, in
partnership with Elan Pharmaceuticals, involves biological products
that would actually slow or reverse the progress of the disease by
attacking beta-amyloid. While most researchers believe that the
accumulation of beta-amyloid in the brain is the instigating factor of
Alzheimer’s, that theory is not without its critics.
Davies of Einstein, who also directs an Alzheimer’s research center at
North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, says he believes that
plaque is a symptom of the disease rather than a cause. He questions
whether eliminating plaque will help those with Alzheimer’s. “It’s like
trying to clear up scar tissue and expecting things to get better,” he
He subscribes to an alternative theory that focuses on
tau, a protein found in the tangled nerve fibers in the brain of
Alzheimer’s patients, as the real culprit. His interests also frame a
larger divide in the Alzheimer’s world. Those who embrace the
beta-amyloid protein theory are nicknamed “Baptists.” Those who finger
tau as the villain are called “Tauists.” The two sides recently have
moved closer together, more willing to say that beta-amyloid and tau
may be working together in Alzheimer’s.
If the two camps
continue to merge, it may mean that in the long run Alzheimer’s
patients will be treated with more than one drug, the way multipronged
treatment regimens are used for cardiovascular problems.
itself is keeping a research foot in both treatment camps, on the
theory that it is better not to place all its bets on one disease
pathway. It is working on compounds aiming at tau, as well as brain
enzymes that have been implicated in Alzheimer’s. Its partnership with
Elan began in 2000, when several key Wyeth scientists came to Mr.
Essner, describing Elan’s work and asking him to sign off on a
“I asked, ‘What’s the probability of success?’ ”
Mr. Essner recalls, laughing. “The first guy said 30 percent. I said:
‘Really? 30 percent, that’s very high.’ He said, ‘Well maybe 10
percent,’ then finally, ‘I have no idea.’ ”
But Mr. Essner
says that it was hard to apply a financial calculus to such an
undertaking. “I really came away with the impression that their passion
for this was so great, that if I had said no, I would have had a
mutiny,” he says.
In a development that illustrates the
vicissitudes of drug development, the Wyeth-Elan partnership suffered a
major setback in 2002, when the first human trial of an Alzheimer’s
vaccine, called AN-1792, had to be halted. About 18 patients, or 6
percent of those enrolled, suffered inflammation in their brains. It
was an apparent reaction to the vaccine, which used a strand of human
protein to prompt an immune response.
Despite the severe
reactions of some patients, others in the interrupted trial may have
responded positively to the vaccine, according to Wyeth’s follow-up
examinations. The symptoms of some patients who fared well in the trial
appeared to have stabilized, a contrast to the inexorable decline
usually experienced in Alzheimer’s. Autopsies of five trial
participants who later died of natural causes revealed evidence of
plaque-clearing in their brains.
The results supported the
idea that Alzheimer’s plaque can be attacked with immunotherapy. “It
looked like the vaccine was doing the same thing we’ve seen in the
animals,” Dr. Pangalos says.
After the failure of AN-1792,
Wyeth and Elan worked to develop a safer vaccine and also focused on
another form of immunotherapy: passive immunization.
of vaccinating patients with a strand of amyloid protein and letting
them form their own antibodies, passive immunization injects pre-made
antibodies directly into patients. In theory, the antibodies then
attach themselves to harmful plaque and dissolve it. Wyeth would
deliver its antibody product, bapineuzumab, to patients through
infusion, in a process much like chemotherapy for cancer patients.
a joint announcement last month, Wyeth and Elan said a late-stage trial
of the drug would begin in the second half of this year. Although
history shows that the odds are against the success of any individual
drug, the progress is an encouraging sign for a drug that many
scientists regard as the most promising treatment in development for
“It’s going to be the first test of what we call
the amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer’s,” says David Morgan, an
Alzheimer’s researcher at the University of South Florida. “Elan and
Wyeth clearly are in the lead in developing immunotherapy.”
Wyeth’s research lab near Princeton, scientists have tested
bapineuzumab and other compounds on genetically altered mice, using a
special swimming pool equipped with an invisible platform.
a mouse is placed in the pool, it instinctively begins swimming around
to find a resting place. Once a normal mouse finds the platform the
first time, it can find its way back on follow-up swims. But the
genetically altered mice become lost.
“The Alzheimer’s mouse
cannot remember the location of the platform,” says Reka Hosszu, a
research scientist at Wyeth who works with the animals. She says that
an Alzheimer’s mouse will paddle aimlessly in the pool.
treatment, the Alzheimer’s mice can find the platform more easily. And
their brains look better. In before-and-after images, it is clear that
globs of toxic plaque have cleared. “You can get rid of pretty much all
of the amyloid,” says Dr. Pangalos as he displays a three-dimensional
image of a mouse brain on his computer. “And you can reverse their
memory to normal, like a young mouse.”
If all goes according
to Wyeth’s plan, it should work in humans, too. “We’re going after
this,” Dr. Pangalos says, “and we’re not stopping until we’ve nailed
Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company
is no longer an illness exclusive to the elderly. An increasingly large
number of younger Americans have been diagnosed with this debilitating
Furthermore, 76 million Baby Boomers are about to enter their Golden
Patrick Moffett, author of an Alzheimer’s book, is available to be your
Talk Show guest to discuss both issues, Alzheimer’s afflicting the
young and young at heart Baby Boomers.
Your audience will
appreciate Pat Moffet’s touching and compelling story of how his wife
Carmen was afflicted with Alzheimer’s at the tender young age of 53 and
has been in a nursing facility for several years. Today she doesn’t
even recognize who he is.
In Pat’s new book, "Ice Cream in the
Cupboard," he shares the difficulties and challenges facing both
patient and caregiver, especially in early onset Alzheimer’s cases.
76 million baby boomers now turning 60, Patrick projects the number of
Alzheimer's patients will skyrocket in the very near future. Patrick
projects that by the year 2050, the number of cases will climb from its
present level of almost 5 million people to a staggering 14 million.
Moffet says that the really scary part is that the number of physicians
and care facilities is not, by far, growing with the number of patients
that will need their services.
York, NY: It can strike at any time, does not discriminate when
choosing its victims, and doctors are discovering with alarming
frequency that it occurs sooner than most people previously thought
According to the Alzheimer’s Association,
approximately half a million Americans suffer from early onset
Alzheimer’s, otherwise known as Familial Alzheimer’s. Within a
generation that number is projected to triple, and the devastation the
disease threatens to leave in its wake is not only catastrophic to the
victim’s loved ones, but to the nation as a whole.
Far more
aggressive than the more common “senile onset” variety, early onset
Alzheimer’s strikes at anytime between ages 30 and 55, the most
productive years of one’s life, virtually crippling the victims and
their families. As the name implies, the illness is hereditary. Its
effects are irreversible, and there is no cure.
Ice Cream in the
Cupboard is the heartbreaking story of Carmen Moffett, diagnosed with
early onset Alzheimer’s disease at age 53. The vibrant, witty Carmen,
and her husband, corporate executive, Pat, went from making plans for
their retirement to living and coping with the dreaded illness.
Eventually Carmen’s disease had progressed beyond the point where she
could safely live at home.
With the cost of long-term care
rising, the indifference of health insurers to the illness, and the
fact that expenses related to treating Alzheimer’s
disease—approximately $100 billion annually—are not tax deductible,
spouses and families find themselves overwhelmed by the financial
burdens of this health crisis. There are social ramifications as
well—spouses are robbed of their partner, and school-age children and
young adults are deprived of a parent.
“I consulted doctors,”
says Pat. “But no one could find anything physically wrong with Carmen.
Worse yet, Carmen could not remember doing the things that rattled me.”
Eventually, the Moffetts found Dr. Gisele Wolf-Klein, who diagnosed the
devastating illness.
“Carmen and I were looking forward to
planning our retirement together, and before long our future was
annihilated,” remembers Pat. “I had no choice but for Carmen to live in
a nursing home equipped for Alzheimer’s patients. Because of the
shortage of information on early onset Alzheimer’s, I was totally
unprepared for this.”
At present, early onset Alzheimer’s
comprises less than 10% of all Alzheimer’s patients, but that number is
growing with the aging of both Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers. “The
‘Geri-boomer’ population is bigger than any before it, and many people
will become Alzheimer’s patients,” warns Pat. “The medical
establishment simply isn’t equipped to deal with the volume of
potential Alzheimer’s patients.”
(Ice Cream in the Cupboard by Pat Moffett; ISBN: 0-9742278-1-1; $19.95;
hard cover;
Tell us about your book?
is a moving love story, following the lives of two people before and
after one is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. It is a deeply
personal memoir, but also an educational book for people who already
care for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, or are concerned about the
erratic behavior of a loved one. It will make you re-evaluate and renew
your appreciation for the people you love.
Who will benefit from your book?
story is universal. Statistics on Alzheimer’s are alarming. More and
more people will be afflicted with this dreadful disease, including
more and more people under age 60!
What can readers learn from your book?
have researched Alzheimer’s disease extensively, from the medical to
the social implications. Having lived through the trials of caring from
someone with Alzheimer’s, while continuing to work full time, I hope
readers will come away with ways to cope and deal with the trials and
daily frustrations.
What is the difference between early onset and the more common
people are affected by early onset Alzheimer’s than we realize. It is a
much more aggressive illness. Many patients die within a year of being
diagnosed. But there is still so much we do not know.
What is the medical community doing toward that end?
funding for Alzheimer’s research lags far behind funding for other
terrible diseases, and given that more and more people will be
diagnosed, and at younger ages, this funding must increase. Public
visibility is crucial to obtaining that funding.
Are there warning signs to early onset Alzheimer’s?
of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s is memory loss. But because people’s
memories may fade as they age, and because there is no direct diagnosis
of the disease (it can only be confirmed post-mortem), it is crucial
that people are on alert for symptoms of the disease. My book is a case
study of how someone with early onset Alzheimer’s can be
misdiagnosed—or go undiagnosed altogether—for years.
What advice can you offer someone caring for a loved one with the
who cares for someone with a disease such as Alzheimer’s knows what a
terrible burden it can be. Caregivers want to do everything they can
for their loved one, but the stress takes its toll. Then the caregiver
feels guilty for responding to the overwhelming burden. This book
reflects that emotional rollercoaster, and offers solace to those
living the same experience.
Tell us about your wife, Carmen.
was a vibrant, intelligent, witty, and beautiful woman. She was also a
devoted wife, a loving mother, and an astute businesswoman. Her story
is, in many ways, a quintessentially American one.
Would Carmen have approved of your writing the book?
grappled with this for a while and realized that Carmen always offered
to help anyone less fortunate than herself. I know she would give her
blessing to the project.
have discovered the most aggressive form of Alzheimer’s disease, and
the terrifying news is that it strikes anywhere from age 30 to 55,
proving that Alzheimer’s is no longer just an old persons’ disease.
Cream in the Cupboard is the heartbreaking story of Carmen Moffett,
diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s disease at age 53. The vibrant,
witty Carmen, and her husband, corporate executive, Pat, went from
making plans for their retirement to being separated several years
later when Carmen’s disease had progressed beyond the point where she
could safely live at home with Pat.
No one, least of all Pat
and Carmen, would have imagined such a thing, and the events leading up
to Carmen’s diagnosis are both terrifying and heartbreaking. Just as
frightening is the reality that more and more men and women will
succumb to the disease before they reach age 55.
About the author:
Moffett is and the author of the critically acclaimed book Fortunate
Soldier, about his service during the Vietnam War. He is a world
renowned, award-winning business executive in Logistics Management. An
expert in international trade, his articles and columns have appeared
in journals, magazines, and trade publications. He is a lifetime member
of the Vietnam Veterans of America. He lives in Great Neck, New York.
Subjects that the author will discuss include:
• How early onset Alzheimer’s progresses rapidly and can strike anyone
under age 55.
• Early detection of early onset Alzheimer’s, and ways for the
caregiver to cope.
• Ways for the loved ones of Alzheimer’s victims to cope with the
illness and how it will change their lives as well.
About the book, the author and the audience:
• The book tells the true story of a loving married couple facing the
heart-wrenching effects of early onset Alzheimer’s.
The book is an eye-opener for the millions of Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers
who have the potential to succumb to this devastating disease.
• The book targets the millions of family members who know or may soon
know someone diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s.
• This author’s topic and content are material for shows like Oprah,
The View, Larry King, Good Morning America and others.
Cream in the Cupboard by Pat Moffett is available now (ISBN:
0-9742278-1-1; $19.95; hard cover; 5½ x 8½; 208 pages;
PUBLISHING, LLC.). If you have any questions or would like more
information, please contact us at the above phone number and address.
We very much look forward to hearing from you!
“A triumph of love over human frailty. Pat Moffett offers hope and
comfort to family members of Alzheimer’s patients in this uplifting
story which is a testament to the endurance of the human heart.”
—The New York Times Book Review
and beautiful. A tender love story by a devastated husband that offers
a ray of hope to families affected by a terrible disease.”
—Kirkus Discoveries
started with strange behavior—a hostile outburst from Carmen here, a
peculiar lapse of memory there. Then it became violent. The beautiful,
vivacious Carmen Moffett was behaving in ways her husband Pat could not
Their marriage had been a long love affair.
Together, they raised five beautiful children in Great Neck, New York,
and were looking forward to planning their retirement together. Then
came the outbursts, both verbal and physical, and the forgetting.
and increasingly nervous, Pat consulted doctors, but no one could find
anything physically wrong with Carmen. Worse yet, Carmen could not
remember doing the things that rattled Pat. Finally, several years
later, incidents at Carmen’s work forced her to another doctor, Gisele
Wolf-Klein, who diagnosed the devastating illness.
As she
slipped away, Carmen reached out for Pat. He was the one she could
remember, even if she did not always know exactly who he was. With
remarkable grace and an incredibly strong will, Carmen accepted that
she was fading, that she would disappear. But through all of it, she
managed to reserve three words for Pat. These three words exemplify the
theme of their lives together, to this day.
“Ice Cream in
the Cupboard takes the reader on the tumultuous journey of one family's
struggle with early onset Alzheimer's disease. Mr. Moffett's soul
bearing account is painfully honest and gives the reader a very
personal perspective of this insidious illness and its overwhelming
impact on all in its path.” – Barbara Vogel, Long Island Alzheimer's
Patrick Moffett’s latest book is “Ice Cream
in the Cupboard”, about the ravages of Alzheimer’s Disease, but his
also is the author of the critically acclaimed book Fortunate Soldier,
about his service during the Vietnam War.