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<> ![]() If
you thought the goal behind the Kennedy-McCain Amnesty legislation was
simply to grant a path to citizenship for 12-20 million illegal
aliens... ...then
you haven't heard -- as Paul Harvey would say -- "the
rest of the story." According
to a report by, this
amnesty bill ALSO legitimizes the eventual formation of a North
American Union -- and with it the construction of a "North American
Superhighway" -- a plan that until now, our elected officials
told us was an urban legend... a myth... a fairy tale.
says it's right there in black and white: "WASHINGTON --
The controversial 'Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration
Reform Act of 2007,' which would grant millions of illegal aliens the
right to stay in the U.S. under certain conditions, contains provisions
for the acceleration of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, a plan
for North American economic and defense integration, WND has learned." "The
bill, as worked out by Senate and White House negotiators, cites the
SPP agreement signed by President Bush and his counterparts in Mexico
and Canada March 23, 2005 -- an agreement that has been criticized
as a blueprint for building a European Union-style merger of the three
countries of North America. "'It
is the sense of Congress that the United States and Mexico should
accelerate the implementation of the Partnership for Prosperity to help
generate economic growth and improve the standard of living in Mexico,
which will lead to reduced migration,' the draft legislation states on
page 211 on the version time-stamped May 18, 2007 11:58 p.m." So,
it would appear that Democrats and Republicans have come up with a
final solution to the millions of illegal aliens who are in this
country. “Forget
about sealing the border,” said Chris Simcox, founder of Minuteman
Civil Defense Corps, who is conducting interviews on this subject. During
your interview with Chris, he elaborates on the flip side of amnesty:
an effectual merger between the United
States, Mexico and Canada a
Superhighway ABOUT FOUR FOOTBALL FIELDS WIDE, running from Mexico
through the U.S. heartland and into Canada. Pave
the way for an invasion of 18-wheel trucks coming from Mexico --
carrying God knows what -- with no checkpoint at the border. That's
the secret solution to the problem of illegal immigration! Facilitate
it! Love it! Make money on it! When
conservative congressmen asked the Department of Transportation about
the scheme to build this Superhighway, Jeffrey N. Shane, Undersecretary
at the U.S. Department of Transportation, testified before Congress
that it was "an
urban legend" --
i.e., a lie! Of
this denial, Rep. Ted Poe of Texas said: "Mr.
Shane was either blissfully ignorant or he may have been less than
candid with the committee." Rep.
Virgil Goode (R-VA) knows it's not an urban legend. He proposed a
resolution, designed "to
block a NAFTA Superhighway System and to indicate the opposition of the
Congress to the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North
America that was declared by President Bush, Mexico's then-President
Vicente Fox, and Canada's then-Prime Minister Paul Martin at the
conclusion of their summit meeting in Waco, Texas on March 23, 2005." And
now, this Amnesty bill actually calls for the United States to "accelerate
the implementation"
of what we were told, until now, was an urban legend! What's
going on here? Is
the granting of Amnesty to 12-20 million illegal aliens an end or is it
a means to an end? Interview
a Minuteman spokesperson and they will gladly give their answer to this
rhetorical question. Available
guests: Al
Garza, National Executive Director, Minuteman Vice President Carmen
Mercer or founder Chris Simcox. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $3 TRILLION PRICE TAG ON SENATE IMMIGRATION BILL ![]() Heritage Foundation scholar Robert Rector estimates the Senate
immigration bill's price tag at a potential $2.5 Trillion. Kennedy-McCain
have joined the Jon Kyl coalition, plotting to STOP any amendments from
"deal-breaker" changes that would sap its support The Senate Continues
to Bypass We-The-People.
On Monday the Senate bypassed the people and forced an Amnesty First bill to the floor. A select group of Senators will hold daily meetings starting Tuesday to determine whether proposed revisions would sink what they are calling their "grand bargain." Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) Vice President, Carmen Mercer, and Tony Dolz from CA are being joined by MCDC volunteers on Capitol Hill all week during this CRITICAL TIME of DEBATE telling Senators to Secure the Border First say NO to AMNESTY and NEVER to SPP. Carmen Mercer, a legal German immigrant and the highest ranking female Minuteman officer, is available for Talk Show interviews on the topic of putting border security first in the new Senate immigration reform measure. The Senate Immigration Bill is being criticized from every direction including the Minutemen, U.S. Border Patrol, Labor Unions, Hispanic Groups, Presidential Candidates and even many politicians. The bill is not even completely written and now the Senate feeling the heat puts off final action on the deal until June trying to stop any opposition from making changes to the incomplete legislation. Millions of Americans are demanding real border security, while our President, Chertoff and the U.S. Commerce Secretary join with open border lobbyists and liberal Senators to cut deals in a smoke-filled back room and give BLANKET AMNESTY to 12 million illegal alien intruders! Kennedy says President Bush will sign the bill. While McCain keeps hiding his open borders mania from the GOP rank-and-file on the White House campaign trail, he clearly supports Senator Ted Kennedy all the way on the illegal alien AMNESTY SELL-OUT. Add Arlen Specter as a RINO leader helping Dems and President Bush push forward an “immigration overhaul” that would grant IMMEDIATE legal status or AMNESTY to virtually all 12 million illegal aliens confirmed to be already in the U.S.—plus countless more to come through on this new welcome mat—and border security is an empty promise! The battle is on in the Senate! “Secure the Border First” is the issue. Do not let this important national security debate in Washington become instead an “AMNESTY-FEST” with the security of our nation hi-jacked by alien gangs and derailed with Z-cards. The Amnesty-Bill reportedly calls for security measures to be promised, enacted and evaluated over the next 18 months, and 350 miles of border fence and cameras to be authorized. Similar promises have been made before, but never followed through on with real enactment. Minuteman Civil Defense Corps says we need ENFORCEMENT FIRST! NO AMNESTY FOR LAWBREAKERS! DO NOT HAND OUT ID CARDS to illegals until the border is secured! SAY NO to ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY and YES to BORDER SECURITY FIRST. Senators Cornyn and De Mint walk away from the sell-out! Well, at least SOME folks have a good head on their shoulders! It looks like Sen. John Cornyn doesn’t want anything to do with the President’s deal to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, and neither does Sen. Jim DeMint. • Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC): "This rewards people who broke the law with permanent legal status, and puts them ahead of millions of law-abiding immigrants waiting to come to America" (mult., 5/17). And on the U.S. House side: • Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI): "I think the bill stinks" ("Evening News," CBS, 5/17). • Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO): "Here's the bottom line ... that, if you are in this country illegally today, this moment, you will be able to stay under this bill" ("PZN," CNN, 5/17). • Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), asked if the new immigration bill will stop illegal immigration: "I don't think it will, because the bill cuts my fence in half. ... You have to put that fence in place." ("Hardball," MSNBC, 5/17). MINUTEMAN SPOKESPERSONS ABOUT CHRIS SIMCOX… Chris Simcox is the founder and president of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, a nationwide grassroots organization with border watch patrols along the northern and southern United States borders. Simcox earned a bachelor's degree in human development and education from L.A.'s Pacific Oaks College. He taught in a public high school for one year and in private school – kindergarten through third grade – for over a decade. His interest in education lingers. "I am passionate about fixing our broken education system in this country - as much as I am about broken border security," Chris said. ABOUT AL GARZA… Al Garza is National Executive Director of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC). He previously served as Texas state director for MCDC before being promoted to second in command. He is a 5th generation descendent of LEGAL immigrants. He was born in Texas and moved with his family at age 12 to California where he finished his education. After graduating high school in 1965, he volunteered for service in Vietnam with the Marines. He was honorably discharged after four years of service with the rank of Sergeant. His family has a long history of serving in the U.S. military. He spent the rest of his career as a licensed private investigator, and is now retired and living in Southern Arizona. Al Garza has been a popular guest on many radio and television Talk Shows. ABOUT CARMEN MERCER… Carmen Mercer is Vice President of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. She is a 51-year old legal immigrant from Germany and a proud citizen of the United States of America since 1999. Ms. Mercer is also part of the “Granny Brigade”, grandmothers and mothers who have joined together to protect their children from drugs, disease, violence etc. coming through our borders. Carmen was a founding member of The Minuteman Corps, established in October 2005. When she’s not chasing down illegal immigrants, Carmen operates a restaurant in Tombstone, Arizona, which she has owned for 12 years. Carmen first met Minuteman founder Chris Simcox in 2002 when they worked together to form a neighborhood watch group, in response to what President Bush called upon U.S. citizens to do in response to 9/11, being “vigilant and to report any suspicious activity.” Little did President Bush know just how far and how quickly people like Carmen were to take that challenge. Mercer’s motto: “Secure our border - Government do your job.” To
Schedule an interview with A
Minuteman Spokesperson,
call: 626 791-1896
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