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New Book: “The AdSense Code” Tells All
The world's largest search
engine, Google, generates billions
of dollars in advertising revenue each year.
what most people don't know is that Google is sharing a portion of
their billions with smart website owners who allow Google to place
their advertisements on web pages.
The Google AdSense program
is open to the general public, and Google is looking for people who
want to receive checks from them. The AdSense opportunity has helped
thousands of people generate new streams of passive income on the
Internet, and Joel Comm's New York Times Best Seller, "The AdSense
Code", is the definitive guide for learning how anyone can tap into
this revenue source. |
During your interview, Joel
Comm will
share how after founding Yahoo! Games, he felt compelled to write the
definitive book that decodes Google’s marketing mysteries. In the book,
Joel reveals hands-on strategies and techniques that anyone can use to
build a content-rich website which earns passive income with Google
The world's recognized leading expert for Google
AdSense, Joel Comm, provides you with the keys you need to "crack" The
AdSense Code and unlock the secrets to making money online.
The (Google) AdSense Code Book is listed on Amazon with a 4 1/2 star
Comm is an Internet entrepreneur who has been online for over 20 years.
Joel is the co-creator of, which was acquired by
Yahoo! in 1997, and now goes by the name Yahoo! Games. Since then,
Joel's company, InfoMedia, Inc., has launched dozens of web sites.
has authored many popular books, including the New York Times
Best-Seller, The AdSense Code. Recognized as the world's leading expert
on making money with the Google AdSense contextual advertising program,
his materials and sites have reached millions of people wanting to
learn how to make money on the Internet. He is an in-demand
speaker/teacher who regularly makes appearances at Internet marketing
conferences and seminars.
Is Joel Comm well known? Just Google "Joel Comm" and you’ll get over a
quarter million results!"joel
1) Making money on the Internet sounds intriguing but why are you
uniquely qualified to teach people how to make money on Web?
2) What is Google Adsense?
3) Do I need a website to Use Adsense?
4) What kind of websites make money with AdSense?
5) Aren't websites expensive to setup?
6) How long will it take for me to start making money?
In your book, you share how you make $500-$1000 / day in passive income
with Google AdSense. Is that attainable for other people as well?
8) Is this a lot of work?
9) Can anybody do this?
10) What are some strategies for maximizing my AdSense income?
11) Can you make money by clicking your own advertisements?
12) How would someone get started with Adsense?
13) How does Google pay AdSense publishers?
14) How may our listeners (or viewers) get a copy of your book or
obtain further information on it?
15) Is there anything I neglected to ask that you would like to share?
Ruling the 'dot-comm'
John A, Williams
The Edmond Sun
EDMOND— The World Wide Web is the new frontier and Joel Comm is
convinced “there’s gold in them thar hills.”
As a matter of fact, this Internet entrepreneur from Edmond has found a
way to utilize Google’s Adsense code to make a seven-figure living and
now he’s showing others the way.
Comm’s computer experience began
when he was 16 years old. “I had a Radio Shack TRS-80,” he said. “Only
4K of ram and the storage device was a cassette player.”
But because
he was a “gamer,” Comm was immersing himself in computer game
magazines, reading reviews of the latest games. “I said to myself,
‘I’ll bet all these guys get free computer software.’ So I decided I
was going to put together a newsletter, the Dallas/Ft. Worth Software
Review, and get on the phone to call Accolade and Activision and
Microsoft and all these companies and ask for software to review.
Before you know it, it’s Christmas every day at my house.”
By 1994,
Comm was approached with the idea of publishing his newsletter on the
Web. “I totally disregarded him. Six months later, 1995, I go to the
Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas and the light goes on. So by
July I launched my first Web site, World”
“In 1996, my
webmaster sent me a url about a multiplayer game room. He had about
three or four people playing at one time. The owner of the site and I
teamed up and renamed it and at our peak we had about
600 people a week playing against each other in real time.
“That’s when I received a knock on my virtual door and Yahoo came
calling. In 1997, they acquired us and now its known as Yahoo Games.”
In 1999, Comm launched what would become his most extensive site,, a bargain hunting site.
But the biggest change in Comm’s life came in 2004, when Google
launched its Adsense program. Using the program, Web publishers place a
snippet of code on their pages and Google delivers ads to their site
that are contextually based. Publishers earn money as those viewing
their site click on sponsors’ ads.
“They launched the program in
2003 and I tried and failed miserably. From June ’03 to April ’04
nothing was happening,” Comm said. “Then I started testing the
different parameters that Google used in Adsense. On April 22, I made
$30 that day. On April 23, I made over $80 that day. The next day I
made over $100. By late ’04 I was making over $500 a day.”
Afterward, Comm began teaching his associates how to make money using
Adsense. “They made changes to their sites and it revolutionized their
business model. So with their encouragement they said ‘why don’t you
put down what you know in an e-book and you could sell it online.’”
The orders flooded in for the $77 electronic book. “I sold five-figures
worth of the e-book that first day,” Comm said. “Then other people
started picking up on it and I offered an affiliates program for people
to promote it they would get $30.”
Now into it’s third edition,
“The Adsense Code — What Google Never Told You About Making Money With
Adsense,” is a runaway best seller.
Comm has an extensive traveling
agenda that is taking him to Asia and Australia in 2007 to teach others
how to make money from their Web site.
“I get a big rush out of
seeing someone who doesn’t get it at all and then the light bulb goes
on and they become content publishers,” he said.
Comm lives with his wife Mary, a published author and founder of In Our
Midst Ministry, and their two children Zach and Jenna.
“I’ve been at this for 12 years. Compared to other industries, 12 years
is nothing,” he said. “And the generation that is growing up with the
Internet now, they’re not going to know a time when there wasn’t a Web.
The world is getting smaller and you can communicate with someone
across the world in real time.”
(John A. Williams may be reached via e-mail at
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