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Talk Show Interview Guest

To Schedule an interview with Dr. Harold Katz, call: 626 791-1896
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As a nation, we are obsessed, frightened, and embarrassed that we have bad breath. You've seen the ads before… Wait: don't kiss your date until you pop in a breath mint! Run for the mouthwash before saying "good morning," or brush your teeth with deodorizing toothpaste for cleaner breath!

Americans fork out a half billion dollars a year on products to freshen breath, but they often don’t work or don’t work for long.

Dr. Harold Katz of the California Breath Clinics is conducting talk show interviews to tell your audience everything they ever wanted to know about breath but were embarrassed to ask.

Dr. Katz, THE WORLD’S EXPERT ON THE CAUSES OF BAD BREATH, (Having appeared on 20/20, The Today Show, Good Morning America, etc.) gives amazing facts about bad breath during your interview including the factg that many people with breath bad enough to knock you over don’t can’t even tell they have bad breath.

We’re talking about breath so bad a boatload of breath mints (most don’t work, by the way), toothpaste, and air freshener couldn’t even make a dent. We’ve all been there. The 'dragon' breath actually made you feel sick to your stomach, and it makes you wonder— doesn't he smell it too?

No! According Dr. Harold Katz of The California Breath Clinics, you cannot actually smell your own breath due to the way humans were originally designed. Ask Dr. Katz how your listeners can check their own breath, and discover the top ten ways to avoid bad breath!

So, do your audience a big favor: Book an interview with Dr. Katz so they will have sweet breath.

Dr. Harold Katz, DDS, opened the first California Breath Clinic to treat patients with mild and chronic halitosis in 1994. A graduate of the UCLA School of Dentistry in 1975, and recipient of a degree in Bacteriology in 1971, Dr. Katz researched the real cause of bad breath and developed a way to eliminate it.

It started when Dr. Katz' 13 year old daughter developed chronic halitosis. Dr. Katz combined his dentistry experience and bacteriology research to discover the cause. As he discovered, the bacteria in her mouth was causing bad breath... not the food she was eating. Dr. Katz perfected a solution to the problem and within minutes of using what is now called "TheraBreath," her bad breath was gone.

Dr. Katz is a veteran radio and television guest. He has been featured on 20/20, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox After Breakfast, WOR, KFYI, WCBS and hundreds more, and his articles have appeared in numerous newspapers and magazines including the New York Times, LA Times, Harpers, Glamour and Mademoiselle.

• The ONLY proven way to keep your breath its freshest by oxygenating the mouth and tongue
• Our TheraBreath formulas are the only patented formulas (mouthwash, toothpaste, spray, gum, mints, breath strips) that can do this.
• This makes the user Extremely kissable for up to 24 hours
• If listeners call my office after the interview: 1-800-97-FRESH, we will send them a package of free samples and coupons they can use at stores nationwide that carry TheraBreath such as Target, Wal-mart, Walgreens, CVS, Rite-Aid, etc.
• They can also sign up for free products (with a small shipping charge) by going to www.freshbreath.com, where they can download a free copy of my book, The Bad Breath Bible.
• I have helped many famous celebrities with their “kissing” problems because of their bad breath – and I can help your listeners as well.
• If the listeners have a friend, co-worker, or spouse that has bad breath – and they are afraid to tell them about it, I can do it for them:

On our website www.freshbreath.com, we have a link that asks “Know someone with Bad Breath?” If they click on that, they simply give us the offenders email address and I will send them an email that someone close to them is concerned about their breath – and it’s all ANONYMOUS. We never give out the other name.

Host Helper


Morning mouth, yuk-mouth ... you know the feeling? Parched, sticky and oh so smelly you can't wait to brush your teeth! Millions of people suffer from bad breath, and as a nation we spend half a billion dollars a year trying to freshen our breath, but they don't always work. Good news! Our guest today, Dr. Harold Katz, founder of the California Breath Clinics, researched the problem and found the source and a cure. So grab a pen and a pencil, because Dr. Katz is going to give the top 10 tips to avoid bad breath for our listeners.


Key questions to push Dr. Harold Katz' hot buttons for your listeners.

• What practical tips can you give for being assured that our breath will be fresh for Valentine’s Day—especially if it is a long day or evening?

• How did you get started on such a smelly topic, and why did you investigate the causes of bad breath, and?

• Isn't it natural to wake up with stale or bad breath after sleeping all night?

• Why can’t we smell our own bad breath?

• Does bad breath really create a serious problem? You just stand a little further back from the person you're speaking with, right?

• What about the notion that bad breath starts in the stomach or sinuses, isn't that true?

• What are the top 10 tips do you have for avoiding bad breath?

• Will they work for anyone, even those people with the worst breath out there!

• You've developed a product called TheraBreath to eliminate both occasional and chronic bad breath, how does it work?

• How can listeners get more information about TheraBreath?

• Is it sold in stores?

• Can French Kissing transmit bad breath?

• Mouth breathers

• Denture Odor

• Telling a friend they have bad breath

• The one key secret you must understand in order to wipe out bad breath

• Why you can't tell if you have bad breath

• The number one mistake almost everybody makes when fighting bad breath

• Five myths which keep you from having truly fresh breath

• The truth about over-the-counter mouthwashes


To Schedule an interview with Dr. Harold Katz call: 626 791-1896
or use our

Do-it-yourself Guest Booking Form

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