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To Schedule an interview with Devlyn Steele, call: 626 791-1896
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America Gets More Overweight and Depressed


Life Coach Devlyn Steele, Innovator of Social Media and Self Improvement Markets including Toolstolife.com, Available for Immediate Comment on Phenomenon that is Undermining America’s Health and Future

Devlyn Steele


Conducting Talk Show interviews on this topic is Life Coach Devlyn Steele, innovator of Social Media and Self Improvement Markets and the new “MySpace.com-like” site: www.ToolsToLife.com


“Most people see depression and obesity as a problem they need to accomplish by themselves,” said Steele, who added, “Traditional self-help programs lack support. It’s only through guided self-help and support from others in the same situation that empowers successful change.”


ToolsToLife.com announces success with beta stage of new Social Media Self Help Internet Site!


Inspired by life changes he has personally guided and a passion for the Internet, Devlyn Steele developed Tools To Life (toolstolife.com), the first and only free online guided self-help program that incorporates social networking to empower people wanting to change.


With a growing number of users and hundreds of life changing testimonials every day, Tools To Life offers forums, support groups, blogs and more to stay in touch with people across the world who are overcoming depression, anxiety, obesity, eating disorders, addictions, relationship problems – with real results. Tools To Life also empowers those who are looking to create success or improve in all areas of their life, including career and relationship. 

 <> <> 


Where Self-development Programs Fail, Social Networking Site Brings Success

Americans love social networking and love to spend money on self-help, self-improvement, self-development programs and books, and now they can have them all at a free social networking site.

“The fact is that regardless of what you call it, self help, self improvement, self development, seminars, programs, diets, or others lack the tools to bring about positive long lasting results,” said life coach Devlyn Steele.

97% of all people report being dissatisfied with one or all areas of their life, career, finances, weight, relationships, health and more!


Although the diet, exercise, self help, relationship advice, career and financial advice industries equal more than 12 billion a year in the US, why is it that-----


  • 60% of all American are overweight
  • 40% on a diet at any given time
  • 1 in 3 adults obese
  • 1 in 4 children obese
  • Medical expense due to weight related issues has become the number one medical expense
  • More than 50% of marriages end up in divorce
  • 75% of people surveyed are dissatisfied with their relationships
  • 82% are dissatisfied with their careers
  • Less than 10% of the population saves enough money to retire comfortable

And the statistics keep getting worse each year not better!


Combing cutting edge technology of social media, the paten pending Toolbox and the Tools To Life Program this is the first site that helps individuals create real change for FREE.

“The Tools To Life is a guided self-development program literally pushes you in the same way I do in person with a client. All you have to do is log on and follow it. It keeps track of your progress and keeps you motivated. Using these tools you will be able to apply these methods to your life, and the results will take on permanent behavioral change,”  explained Steele.


Profile Page


// About Coach Devlyn Steele //

Often referred to as “America's Leading Life-Coach,” Devlyn Steele, author and creator of Tools To Life, has made it his personal mission to help people find ways to improve their lives. He has hosted his own radio shows “Tools To Life” and “Love beat” and been a guest on more than 150 various shows. He is also the author of The Online Dating Kit and various articles that are published in magazines, newspapers and throughout the Internet.  


Born in New York City, Devlyn was diagnosed with dyslexia in early childhood. Due to that challenge, he developed a talent for listening. Shortly after completing his education, Devlyn started teaching sales and motivation and, for the next decade explored a number of different industries including aviation, textiles, manufacturing, advertising, music and business consulting. It was then that he discovered his passion for counseling clients, employees, associates and friends. After a series of personal setbacks that acted as a catalyst in his career change, Devlyn made it his mission to use his talents to help others. Thus, a career in life coaching and development of the transformational Tools to Life approach found their origins.


Devlyn now councils individuals and couples in all areas of life. Through the years, his program has remained an avid investigator of the human thought process and to providing the necessary steps to achieve results and change in life. His personal mission is simply “helping others.” As Devlyn would put it,


“There is no better paycheck I have ever earned than knowing that I have helped someone.”










Coach Devlyn Steele

Host Helper…Introduction teaser “Tools to Life”...

If you are like everyone I know, you are probably looking to improve an area in your life whether it be weight, fiancés, career, relationships, anxiety or other.  And like most you have probably book a book or two on the subject.  My guest today is Life Coach Devlyn Steele, who is here to discuss why the 12 billion dollar self help industry isn’t helping and how you can take advantage of a new method of self help using the Internet for free referred to as guided self help. So if making life improvements is something you want to know about, you will want to stick around.


Introduction show segment:


Let me introduce Coach Devlyn Steele often referred to as “America’s Favorite Life Coach” a renowned Life-Coach, Motivator, Writer and creator of Tools To Life.  He is here today to discuss his revolutionary new program that can help you change any part of your life and realize your goals.  Using the Internet phenomena of Social Networks Coach Steele has taken myspace, youtube  and self help to a new level with his site ToolsToLife.com


Suggested General questions:

1.      Why doesn’t self help work and how are they making so much money

2.      What is guided self help?

3.      What makes Tools different than other self-help programs?

4.      How can you use the Internet and social media to effect behavioral change.

5.      Why free?

6.      What is your definition of Life-Coaching?

7.      Why life coaching instead of therapy?

8.      Are most Life-Coaches qualified?

9.      What is your personal mission?

10.  Can people really learn new winning habits?

11.  Sounds like Tools covers a lot of different areas, how can one program cover so much?

12.  Wouldn’t it be better to use specific programs for specific areas of life?

13.  Is this another motivational course?

14.  Why don’t people get the changes they want in their lives?

For The Switchboard Operator


Coach Devlyn Steele, a renowned

Life-Coach and Motivator, is being interviewed on your station.  Because of the nature of his topic, many listeners often call to find out more information.


To contact Coach Steele or for more information please go to:


Or email



Hot Topics List


  • What is social media and the trends of the Internet
  • What is Life-Coaching?
  • Change—No one really wants to change!
  • Effort equals results, no magic answers.
  • Chasing the meds, what happened to therapy?
  • How to lose weight
  • Why diets don’t work
  • How to improve your personal relationships
  • Why most relationships fail
  • How to have a better sex life
  • How to stimulate your career
  • How to develop winning habits
  • How to achieve anything you want
  • How to act your ay into the life you want
  • Why learning how to get up in the morning can change your life
  • How to learn how to love yourself
  • Always be your own boss
  • Your attitude is your decision
  • Nothing can get you mad
  • How to develop a roadmap for your life
  • Success is not a secret
  • Earn more and save more


Tools To Life



1000’s ToolsToLife Testimonials can be found at:





Title: skeptical - added: 2007-07-23, by Cirdie



Naturally skeptical.

Most self help programs seem overly simplistic. They should involve more cerebral gymnastics. Deep probing into dark psychological secrets. So I thought.... 

I have been around the block with Tony Robbins, Sedona method, Chi kung, hypnosis, Nightingale-Conant, ad nauseaum....surely similar techniques that many in this group have tried. 

I begrudgingly admit that Coach Steele seems to follow the KISS method.

Keep It Simple Stupid

He gives cognitive-behavioralism a good name and emphasizes the rote repetition of the behavioral side.

 OK .

Guard is down.

Will forge ahead and see where this guy takes me.


“I have achieved a breakthrough in my habit of self doubt.  I am 54 years old with many assets to my intelligence, skills, and ability to communicate with people.

As I reflected on areas in my life when I was frightened, shy, doubtful, these moments held me back from reaching the summit of my passion. I feel a huge shift in my self-confidence. I feel honored to be moving ahead with such visionaries on the tools to life group. Thank you and may you also discover your power, potential and let it flow.”


“When I entered ToolsToLife the first time - I was curious and thought it might be worth checking out but really didn't expect much.  My goal was to be able to be as organized and totally in control as I am at work in my own home and in my own personal life.  Clapping my hands and talking to myself just didn't seem like anything that was going to get me where I needed to be. But I kept coming back. And all I can say is thank God I did. I can see it happening. From the clapping of the hands, to the brushing of the teeth to the inner voice and the 10 minutes of decluttering here and there. I CAN SEE IT!  It's all part of the plan of being in control.  Not only being in control of my home and my job, but being in control of ME and MY LIFE. And best of all I'm touching on things that I didn't even realize I needed to deal with like being less stressed because I'm not running late to an appointment and making mental notes on where I need to make adjustments in order to improve me and my life.  Devlyn you are a genius! Thank you!”


“I found tools for life and on the first day was looking around at some of the posts in the blogs and I had a lightening bolt hit me that I needed to do something to improve my life.  Everyone’s messages are very uplifting and encouraging. It was exactly what I needed for that wake up call to make some changes. Now I am starting to take some small steps toward patching some long unattended to needs of our family and to the house in which we live.” 


To Schedule an interview with Devlyn Steele, call: 626 791-1896
or use our

Do-it-yourself Guest Booking Form

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