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![]() Lawmakers Propose Ultrasounds Before Abortions (Columbia, SC) - Getting an ultrasound is a normal part of most pregnant women's journey into motherhood. Now, some state representatives want women considering abortions to view images of their fetuses before a decision is made. Rep. Greg Delleney (R-Chester and York Counties), said, "I'm just trying to save lives and protect people from regret and inform women with the most accurate non-judgemental information that can be provided." Delleney is the main sponsor of the amendment. Currently, there is already a South Carolina law requiring women to pass prerequisites before abortions, including reviewing abortion information and undergoing a waiting period. Still, Delleney says women need more information to make a final decision. "From the calls I've gotten, I think some people wished there was an ultrasound requirement at the time they underwent the abortion procedure," he said. But Delleney's ideas are meeting a lot of opposition from several organizations, as well as other lawmakers, such as Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter (D-Orangeburg County). She says it's too extreme. "I see it as some kind of emotional blackmail, and I think we're putting an undue burden on our healthcare providers and on folk who are providing those services," Cobb-Hunter said. She also says it creates privacy issues and doesn't give women credit that they can make their own reproductive decisions. "The supporters of this legislation seem to believe that women enter into this decision blindly or without a lot of thought." House members will vote on the second reading of the amendment Wednesday. We'll keep you posted on what they decide. If it passes, it will go to the Senate for debate. Copyright 2006 WLTX-TV Terms of Service About Chris Slattery
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